The Joy Of Trolling

So as you all know, being a TROLL is the most entertaining thing in this mothafuckin world (*Le smiles). And of course, Troll is now #1 Worldwide Trend! But in the real world, it's not like 24/7 all trollin around unlike in those comic books. We've got our life! It's paralleled between real life, and troll face comics. So don't take it too personally, love TROOLS, and to troll around :D

Monday, September 3, 2012

Cartoon Characters In Real Life

Do you ever wonder if, some 
cartoon characters become real, 
I mean, in REAL LIFE?!


Well then you'll have to look at this shit 
and go make up your mind peeps! :D

Beavis and Butt-head

Jasmine : Disney Princess

Buzz Lightyear : Toy Story

Bart : The Simpson

Jesicca Rabit : Disney

Mulan : Disney Princess

SB Squarepants 

Betty Boop

Pochahontas : Disney Princess

Bert : Sesame Street

(Source :

Saturday, September 1, 2012

TROLL Quotes

Here's some TROLL Quotations that'll open up your minds!


"Either my sarcasm is amazingly believable, or your amazingly stupid."

"I'd call you a dick, but you can't be what you don't have."

"You're a great friend, but if the zombies chase us, I'm tripping you."

"Abracadabra! Nope. You're still a bitch."

"Did you hear Mcdonald fought Burger King in front of Popeye over that bitch Wendy? The funeral is at KFC. You going? I'm taking the subway."

"Do you ever get the urge to tell someone to shut up even they're not talking?"

"Slut jokes are just whoreable."

"Life always offers you a second chance. It's called tomorrow."

"Hey mom?" "WHAT?" "Nevermind you're not in a good mood."

*Ignores phone call* -Texts friend- "You called?"

"The walk of shame when you have to put something back in a store after your mom says no."

What did Barack Obama say to Michelle when he proposed? "I don't wanna be Obama self."

*iPhone falls to the floor* The screen breaks. *Android falls to the floor* The floor breaks.

"Yes I did study! But then I forgot everything when I saw the paper."

"Nice one captain obvious. You're welcome sergeant sarcasm. Indeed comrade comeback. Thank you senior smartass. Anytime dictator dickhead."

"To steal ideas from 1 person is plagiarism, but to steal from many is research."

"100% of the people reading this are alive."

"You're not sorry you did it. You're sorry I found out."

"Black and Mexican jokes are all the same. Once you've heard Juan you've heard Jamal."

"For a very short period of time, you were the youngest person in the world!"

"At night, I can't sleep. In the morning, I can't wake up."

"When people come over and your mom suddenly becomes the nicest woman in the world."

"Is ugh an emotion? Because I feel it all the time."

Person: "Are you flying a kite?" Me: "Nope! I'm fishing for birds!"

I sent a text saying, "Hey, I lost my phone, will you call it?" 10 people called me. I need smarter friends.

"I hate being bipolar, it's fantastic!"

"Dear mom and dad, when I lie to you, it's for your own good."

"I wish I had a dollar for every dollar I don’t have."

"Dear guys, axe is not an appropriate substitute for a shower, just saying."

"What's Lil Wayne? 5% Black. 95% Tattoos."

When someone says I love you and you don't feel the same way. Just say, "I love YouTube" super fast.

"I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it." = My biggest lie.

"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."

Mom: "Hey why are you all dressed up? Where are you going? Daughter: "To the bathroom, I need a new Facebook profile picture."

"If I actually spoke my mind, I'd be in deep shit."

In scary movies, the person yells out, "Hello?" As if the bad guy is going to be like, "Yeah, I'm in the kitchen! Want a sandwich?"

"Old enough to know better, but too young to give a fuck."

"Ever realize there are so many types of ass? SmartASS, dumbASS, crazyASS, stupidASS, lazyASS. Who knew ass had personalities!"

"Disney teaches us to not to talk to strangers unless they're hot."

"When you hear people speak in another language? 6% I wish I could speak that. 94% Those bitches better not be talking about me."

"I'm the type of person who laughs at my own texts before I send them because I'm so damn funny."

"Bitch please, my gum lasts longer than your relationships."


(Source :

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How To TROLL On Facebook



Monday, August 20, 2012


Saaawwweet, MOTHER OF GOD!
People grows smarter nowadays! 
Some people made a new great games of TROLLS, It amazed me how cool and awesome TROLL Face is... FUCK YEA--
Well, everybody got no problem with that right? So I guess It's just okay to play tones of that TROLL games ;)

Here's what I've got from the internet today, and I'm gonna share it all right to you my beautiful readers!

TrollFace : The Game

26.000 people trolled so far. Can you defeat him?

U can play it here!

TrollFace Launch

The goal is to upgrade Trollface with body, legs, hands, accelerators etc (19 upgrade items). 
After buying all upgrades - you can reach the powerfull $1000000 upgrade. 
Collect the complete alphabet to get wiser! 
Trollface image is used with personal permission of Whynne (creator of Trollface).

U can play it here!

Trollface Quest

Trollface Quest is a ridiculous quest game. Solve 20 puzzles and don't get caught by Troll.

U can play it here!

Troll Face Sniper Game 

Go shoot dat crazy trolling trolls! 

U can play it here!


Want more fun?
Visit this site!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Slenderman Game Free Download

I made this post because there's a lot of people likes and trends this thing all over the internet.

Slender is a free indie-developed survival horror video game released in June 2012 for PC and MAC. The game is based on the Something Awful forums' creation, Slender Man.


Slender begins with the player in a forest at night. The player (a young woman from the sound of her heavy breathing) is equipped with a flashlight with a battery which must be conserved. The player is able to jog for a short period to 10 various landmarks scattered throughout the woods including vehicles, a building, a giant tree, rocks, brick walls, a stone pillar, a tunnel, and fuel tanks. Dirt paths are present, but the player is able to travel in any direction and is only bound by fences which enclose the area.

The goal of the game is to find a total of eight pages hidden on 8 of the 10 major landmarks in the forest, though collecting the 8 pages will not end the game. Each page is a message or drawing concerning Slender Man, who pursues the player through the forest Each time the player collects a page (or if the player fails to collect a page after a certain period of time) Slender Man's pursuit of the player becomes more urgent. If the player manages to collect all eight pages, they must continue walking around the forest until Slender Man "captures" them to end the game. However, unlike a normal capture, the closing credits appear on screen. Since version 0.9.4 the player wakes up during daytime, before the credits roll, unlocking Daytime Mode. Daytime mode has no objective, and has been considered a bad mechanic and will be removed.

Slender Man
Slender Man is an entity that follows the player through the forest. It resembles a tall, thin man with elongated arms dressed in a black suit with a featureless, pale white face. When the player catches a glimpse of Slender Man, a startling music sting is played, but only once, unless the Slender Man returns while searching for the player. As the Slender Man catches up to the player, the screen becomes distorted with static, and if the player looks at it directly at close range for an extended amount of time, the screen will fade to static and Slender Man's pale white, featureless face appears on the screen as the game ends. Slender Man can also turn the player around if he gets too close, also ending the game.

Read more here!

Screen Shots

You can download the game, IF U DARE-- in this site.